Soft Cell - Keychains & Snowstorms - The Anthology(2018) | Elektro |
Lista utworów:
CD 1: The Phonogram 12" Hits 1981-1984
1. Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go?
2. Bedsitter
3. Say Hello, Wave Goodbye
4. Torch
5. What
6. Where The Heart Is
7. Numbers
8. Soul Inside
9. Down In The Subway
CD 2: The Phonogram B Sides 1981-1984
1. Tainted Dub/Where Did Our Love Go?
2. Facility Girls (12" Version)
3. Fun City
4. Insecure Me (12" Version)
5. So (12" Version)
6. It's A Mug's Game (12" Version)
7. Barriers (12" Version)
8. You Only Live Twice (12" Version)
9. Her Imagination
10. 007 Theme
11. Disease & Desire
12. Born To Lose
CD 3: New Extended & Reworked Mixes
1. Say Hello, Wave Goodbye (Dave Ball Lateral Mix)
2. Youth (Dave Ball Wasted On The Young Mix)
3. Secret Life (Extended Mix)
4. Chips On My Shoulder (Extended Mix)
5. Facility Girls (2018 Mix)
6. Heat (Alternative Version)
7. Kitchen Sink Drama (Extended Mix)
8. The Art Of Falling Apart (Extended Mix)
9. Martin (Dave Ball Hallowe'en Mix)
10. Barriers (Dave Ball Broken Down Angels Mix)
11. Meet Murder, My Angel (Extended Mix)
12. Slave To This (Life Of Existence Mix)
CD 4: Rarities, Alternative Versions and Curios
1. The Girl With The Patent Leather Face (Original Version)
2. A Man Could Get Lost (Daniel Miller Vocal Edit)
3. Memorabilia (Non-Stop Ecstatic Dancing Version)
4. Forever The Same (Unreleased Extended Version)
5. Heat (US 7" Version)
6. Loving You, Hating Me (Special USA Mix)
7. Martin
8. Hendrix Medley (Hey Joe, Purple Haze, Voodoo Chile)
9. Numbers (7" DJ Version)
10. Down In The Subway (7" Remix Version)
11. L'Esqualita (7" Version)
12. Soul Inside (Demo)
13. So (Dave Ball Demo Outtake)
CD 5: The Early Years 1978-81
1. Memorabilia (Original Daniel Miller Mix)
2. Persuasion (Original Daniel Miller Mix)
3. Metro MRX (Flexipop Version)
4. A Man Could Get Lost (Daniel Miller Demo)
5. The Girl With The Patent Leather Face (Demo)
6. Tainted Love (Demo)
7. Bedsitter (Demo)
8. Potential (From Mutant Moments EP)
9. L. O. V. E Feelings (From Mutant Moments EP)
10. Metro MRX (From Mutant Moments EP)
11. Frustration (From Mutant Moments EP)
12. Red Tape, Sticky Tape (Demo – Previously Unreleased)
13. Martin (Original 1980 Demo)
14. Paranoid (Black Sabbath Cover)
15. Science Fiction Stories (Demo)
16. Bleak Is My Favourite Cliché (Demo)
17. Cleaning Fanatic (Demo)
18. Mix (Demo)
19. A Man Could Get Lost (Early Version)
20. Walking Make Up Counter (Live at Leeds Polytechnic, December 1979)
21. Occupational Hazard (Live at Leeds Polytechnic, December 1979)
22. Persuasion (Live at Leeds Polytechnic, December 1979)
23. Dave's Theme (Previously Unreleased Demo)
CD 6: In Session / Reunion / Cruelty Without Beauty
1. Entertain Me (Richard Skinner Radio 1 Session)
2. Seedy Films (Richard Skinner Radio 1 Session)
3. Chips On My Shoulder (Richard Skinner BBC Radio 1 Session)
4. Youth (BBC Whistle Test)
5. Sex Dwarf (BBC Whistle Test)
6. Soul Inside (David Jensen BBC Radio 1 Session)
7. Where Was Your Heart (When You Needed It Most)? (David Jensen BBC Radio 1 Session)
8. God Shaped Hole (Remix)
9. Divided Soul (Hooker Mix)
10. Somebody, Somewhere, Sometime
11. Monoculture (Dave Ball Extended Version)
12. The Night
13. Darker Times
14. Last Chance
15. Together Alone
16. Caligula Syndrome
17. Desperate
CD 7: Non-Stop Euphoric Dubbing (Continuous Mix) & Remixes
1. Barriers (Dave Ball Broken Down Angels Dub)
2. Numbers (Extended Dub)
3. Youth (Dave Ball Wasted On The Youth Dub)
4. Where The Heart Is (Marcus Lancaster Dub)
5. Seedy Films (Richard X Dub)
6. L. O. V. E Feelings (Demo)
7. L'Esqualita (Dub)
8. Loving You, Hating Me (Dub)
9. Baby Doll (Dub)
10. Facility Girls (2018 Mix Dub)
11. Little Rough Rhinestone (Solvent Dub Mix)
12. Say Hello, Wave Goodbye (Dave Ball Lateral Dub)
13. Bedsitter (Erasure Remix)
14. Where The Heart Is (The Grid Remix : 2018 Re-Edit)
15. So (The Grid Remix)
CD 8: Live in Los Angeles, 83 Part 1
1. Mr Self Destruct
2. Soul Inside
3. Forever The Same
4. Insecure Me
5. L'Esqualita
6. Loving You, Hating Me
7. Torch
8. Youth
9. Disease & Desire
10. Where Was Your Heart (When You Needed It Most)?
11. Baby Doll
12. Martin
13. The Art Of Falling Apart
CD 9: Live In Los Angeles, 83 (Part 2) plus other live recordings
1. Hey Joe/Purple Haze
2. Memorabilia
3. Heat
4. Ghost Rider (with Clint Ruin)
5. Say Hello, Wave Goodbye
Live at Hammersmith Palais, 84 (Fan Recording):
6. Numbers (Live)
7. It's A Mug's Game (Live)
8. The Best Way To Kill (Live)
9. Down In The Subway (Live)
UK Tour, Live in 2003:
10. Barriers (Live)
11. Tainted Love Where Did Our Love Go? (Live)
12. Sex Dwarf (Live)
13. Surrender (To A Stranger) (Live)
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Premiera płyty Keychains & Snowstorms - The Anthology nie dostała jeszcze oceny. Użytkownicy mogą oceniać tytuły jeszcze przed pojawieniem się ich na rynku, wyrażając w ten sposób swoje oczekiwania. System umożliwia późniejszą modyfikację przyznanych głosów – w tym celu użytkownik powinien wybrać inną wartość w polu "Ocena". Ocena w serwisie to średnia ważona, gdzie waga głosu zależy przede wszystkim od stażu użytkownika.
Twórcą płyty jest Soft Cell. Kliknięcie utaj spowoduje wyświetlenie listy pozostałych płyt od tego artysty. Z funkcji tej można również skorzystać przechodząc do pola "Informacje" i klikając w nazwę autora.
Wydawcą płyty jest firma Universal. Lista płyt wydanych przez tę firmę znajduje się utaj.
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