Steve Hackett - The Total Experience Live In Liverpool [DVD](2016) | Live |
Zjawiskowe wydawnictwo koncertowe łączące solowe utwory Steve'a Hacketta (15) jak i klasyki z repertuaru Genesis (8). Ponad 2 i pół godziny niesamowitych wrażeń wraz z ujęciami zza kulis, wyprodukowane przez Paul Green Productions (Paul Rodgers, Transatlantic, BB King). Audio i video nagrane podczas trasy “Acolyte to Wolflight with Genesis Revisited” w Liverpool Philharmonic Hall z 2015 r.
Lista utworów:
CD 1
1. Corycian Fire Intro - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
2. Spectral Mornings - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
3. Out of the Body - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
4. Wolflight - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
5. Every Day - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
6. Love Song to a Vampire - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
7. The Wheel's Turning - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
8. Loving Sea - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
9. Jacuzzi - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
10. Icarus Ascending - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
11. Star of Sirius - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
12. Ace of Wands - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
13. A Tower Struck Down - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
CD 2
1. Shadow of the Hierophant - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
2. Get 'em Out by Friday - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
3. Can-Utility and the Coastliners - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
4. After the Ordeal - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
5. The Cinema Show - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
6. Aisle of Plenty - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
7. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (Live in Liverpool 2015)
8. The Musical Box - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
9. Clocks - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
10. Firth of Fifth (Live in Liverpool 2015)
1. Corycian Fire Intro - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
2. Spectral Mornings - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
3. Out of the Body - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
4. Wolflight - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
5. Every Day - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
6. Love Song to a Vampire - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
7. The Wheel's Turning - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
8. Loving Sea - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
9. Jacuzzi - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
10. Icarus Ascending - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
11. Star of Sirius - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
12. Ace of Wands - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
13. A Tower Struck Down - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
14. Shadow of the Hierophant - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
15. Get 'em Out by Friday - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
16. Can-Utility and the Coastliners - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
17. After the Ordeal - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
18. The Cinema Show - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
19. Aisle of Plenty - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
20. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (Live in Liverpool 2015)
21. The Musical Box - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
22. Clocks - (Live in Liverpool 2015)
23. Firth of Fifth (Live in Liverpool 2015)
Live in Liverpool - Behind the Scenes
Somewhere South of the River - Rehearsal Documentary
- Corycian Fire
- Wolflight
- Love Song to a Vampire
Koncert ma ukazać się 24 czerwca 2016 (data wydania w Polsce).
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Steve Hackett jest autorem koncertu The Total Experience Live In Liverpool [DVD]. Lista płyt wyprodukowanych przez tego artystę znajduje się utaj.
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