Simple Minds - Live In The City Of Angels(2019) | Rock |
Lista utworów:
CD 1
1. The Signal And The Noise (Live In The City Of Angels)
2. Waterfront (Live In The City Of Angels)
3. Love Song (Live In The City Of Angels)
4. Let There Be Love (Live In The City Of Angels)
5. Up On The Catwalk (Live In The City Of Angels)
6. Sense Of Discovery (Live In The City Of Angels)
7. Glittering Prize (Live In The City Of Angels)
8. Promised You A Miracle (Live In The City Of Angels)
9. The American (Live In The City Of Angels)
10. Hunter And The Hunted (Live In The City Of Angels)
11. Stand By Love (Live In The City Of Angels)
12. Dirty Old Town (Live In The City Of Angels)
CD 2
1. Theme For Great Cities (Live In The City Of Angels)
2. She's A River (Live In The City Of Angels)
3. Walk Between Worlds (Live In The City Of Angels)
4. Hypnotised (Live In The City Of Angels)
5. Someone Somewhere In Summertime (Live In The City Of Angels)
6. See The Lights (Live In The City Of Angels)
7. All The Things She Said (Live In The City Of Angels)
8. Dolphins (Live In The City Of Angels)
9. Don't You (Forget About Me) (Live In The City Of Angels)
10. New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84) (Live In The City Of Angels)
11. Once Upon A Time (Live In The City Of Angels)
12. Alive And Kicking (Live In The City Of Angels)
13. Sanctify Yourself (Live In The City Of Angels)
CD 3
1. Book Of Brilliant Things (Live In The City Of Angels)
2. I Travel (Live In The City Of Angels)
3. Blindfolded (Live In The City Of Angels)
4. Honest Town (Live In The City Of Angels)
5. In Dreams (Live In The City Of Angels)
6. Stars Will Lead The Way (Live In The City Of Angels)
7. Big Sleep (Live In The City Of Angels)
CD 4
1. Let The Day Begin (Live In The City Of Angels)
2. Barrowland Star (Live In The City Of Angels)
3. Midnight Walking (Live In The City Of Angels)
4. Summer (Live In The City Of Angels)
5. Big Music (Live In The City Of Angels)
6. Celebrate (Live In The City Of Angels)
7. The Cross (Live In The City Of Angels)
8. Speed Your Love To Me (Live In The City Of Angels)
Płyta Live In The City Of Angels zadebiutuje 4 października 2019 (data wydania w Polsce).
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