Lista utworów:
01. Destined To Suffer [feat. Angela Seo]
02. Bloodlines
03. The Hot Dog Contract
04. Wrath Of The Flies
05. Overinflated All The Time [feat. Angela Seo]
06. Liars
07. State Of Mind
08. Splitting
09. Vague And Easy [feat. Angela Seo]
10. Relax, You Are Lazy
11. Dreamer [feat. Angela Seo]
12. The Avalanche
13. Vital Aftermath [feat. Angela Seo]
14. The Inevitable Fork
15. Talk Some More About It
16. Think Safe
17. I Often Feel Alone While Surrounded By Other People [feat. Angela Seo]
18. Therapy
19. There Is Something Else Here Now Too [feat. Angela Seo]
20. Something Is Wrong
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