London Philharmonic Orchestra - Stravinsky: Jurowski Conducts Stravinsky. Volume 1(2022) | Klasyka |
Lista utworów:
1. Stravinsky: Symphony in E-Flat, Op. 1: I. Allegro Moderato
2. Stravinsky: Symphony in E-Flat, Op. 1: II. Scherzo Allegretto
3. Stravinsky: Symphony in E-Flat, Op. 1: III. Largo
4. Stravinsky: Symphony in E-Flat, Op. 1: IV. Finale. Allegro Molto
5. Stravinsky: The Faun and the Shepherdess, Op. 2: I. the Shepherdess
6. Stravinsky: The Faun and the Shepherdess, Op. 2: II. the Faun
7. Stravinsky: The Faun and the Shepherdess, Op. 2: III. the River
8. Stravinsky: Scherzo Fantastique, Op. 3
9. Stravinsky: Funeral Song, Op. 5
10. Stravinsky: The Firebird: Introduction
11. Stravinsky: The Firebird, Tableau 1: The Magic Garden of Kashchei
12. Stravinsky: The Firebird, Tableau 1: Appearance of the Firebird Pursued By Ivan Tsarevitch
13. Stravinsky: The Firebird, Tableau 1: Dance of the Firebird
14. Stravinsky: The Firebird, Tableau 1: Prince Ivan Captures the Firebird
15. Stravinsky: The Firebird, Tableau 1: Supplication of the Firebird
16. Stravinsky: The Firebird, Tableau 1: The Princesses' Game with the Golden Apples
17. Stravinsky:The Firebird, Tableau 1: Sudden Appearance of Ivan Tsarevitch
18. Stravinsky:The Firebird, Tableau 1: Daybreak - Ivan Tsarevitch Enters Into Kashchei's Palace
19. Stravinsky:The Firebird, Tableau 1: Dance of Kashchei's Followers Under the Spell of the Firebird
20. Stravinsky:The Firebird, Tableau 1: Infernal Dance of All Kashchei's Subjects
21. Stravinsky:The Firebird, Tableau 1: Lullaby (The Firebird)
22. Stravinsky:The Firebird, Tableau 1: Kashchei's Awakening - Kashchei's Death - Profound Darkness
23. Stravinsky:The Firebird, Tableau 2: Disappearance of Kashchei's Palace and Magic Spells - the Petrified Warriors Return to Life
24. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part One - Adoration of the Earth: Introduction
25. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part One - Adoration of the Earth: The Augurs of Spring - Dances of the Young Girls
26. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part One - Adoration of the Earth: Ritual of Abduction
27. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part One - Adoration of the Earth: Spring Rounds
28. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part One - Adoration of the Earth: Ritual of the River Tribes
29. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part One - Adoration of the Earth: Procession of the Sage
30. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part One - Adoration of the Earth: The Sage
31. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part One - Adoration of the Earth: Dance of the Earth
32. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part Two - the Sacrifice: Introduction
33. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part Two - the Sacrifice: Mystic Circles of the Young Girls
34. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part Two - the Sacrifice: Glorification of the Chosen One
35. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part Two - the Sacrifice: Evocation of the Ancestors
36. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part Two - the Sacrifice: Ritual Action of the Ancestors
37. Stravinsky:The Rite of Spring, Part Two - the Sacrifice: Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen One)
Płyta Stravinsky: Jurowski Conducts Stravinsky. Volume 1 będzie debiutować 15 lipca 2022 (premiera w Polsce).
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Autorem jest London Philharmonic Orchestra. Listę płyt nagranych przez tego autora można znaleźć utaj.
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